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FM Henry

Pursuit & Capture The South Florida Sailfish

I went out fishing on a Thursday last week from Hillsoboro Inlet to live bait drift fish in 100 to 300 foot of water using Pilchards and Goggle Eyes. I caught a small window of opportunity with the weather and in short notice started gearing up for a trip. None of my friends could join me because it was a weekday so I went it alone. I got out there at the crack of dawn and hook into 5 sailfish throughout the day landing two of them. This same day I also caught a Black Grouper, Cero Mackerel, Amberjack and a Triggerfish. This was my fist Sailfish of the day and fortunately I only had one other line in the water and my sea anchor so I was able to chase this one down and bring it to the boat. I was in my Triton 225 center console with a Mercury Verado 250. I was using a Shimano Thunnus C14 12000 with a Chaos custom rod with an over sized grip with 20 pound blue monofilament line by Momoi with a 50 Pound fluorocarbon leader by Seaguar and a #7 circle hook by Owner or possibly Gamakatsu bridled using a clear band through the nostrils of a live and healthy Goggle Eye.Bait Provided by Hillsboro Live Bait Music by Kevin MacLeod Tracks: Epic Unease, Future Gladiator, Egmont Overture, Toccata and Fugue in D Minor & Exotic Battle.
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